Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Write a Resume Using These 3 Sales Techniques to Get an Interview

How to Write a Resume

Today, there are literally hundreds of unemployed people with the skills needed for most job postings.  The woman or man who can best sell his or her value will win the job.  Today let's talk about how to write a resume using three sales techniques to increase your perceived value.


And make no mistake--getting a new job is all about selling yourself to an employer.


If you don’t believe that you may as well stop reading right now.


Yet, for non-sales people, this is the only sale they ever even try to make; and they only make the attempt every few years – usually when the pressure to find new income is at its highest.


I don’t need to tell you that that’s a bad time to learn.  But even if you find yourself in this position, this article will quickly give you an edge.


3 Sales Strategies You Can Use in Your Resume to Immediately Gain a Competitive Edge


Strategy 1.  Sell Money at a Discount


Use this classic sales technique to demonstrate that you produce more value than you cost.  This is the classic ROI selling technique.  The basic concept is this, if you can prove that for every dollar a company spends on your salary, you return two dollars, then it makes logical sense for them to hire you.


Strategy 2.  To Be Interesting Be Interested


Every human being’s favorite radio station is WIIFM; that stands for “What's in It for Me?”  Likewise, nobody cares about you getting a new job the way that you care about getting a new job.  Employers do not exist to provide you with the job.


Companies exist to create profit for their owners.  Hiring managers hire people that help them accomplish their corporate goals.  They do not hire people because they need new friends.


Make your resume appeal to their desires to accomplish their goals and your phone will ring with requests for interviews.


This short video will give you greater insight into using this technique:

Strategy 3.  Be Persistent


Most people say no to an offer three times before they say yes.  However, most salespeople give up after hearing only two no’s.


Don't be the salesperson who gives up too soon.


People say no for all kinds of reasons, most of which are not valid.  By having a system for following up with employers after you have submitted your resume, you will greatly improve the odds of getting an interview.  Use this strategy after the interview as well to stand out even more.


With one of the most competitive employment market places ever, the ability to sell or communicate your value to an employer is essential.  Learning how to communicate that value in order to get the most from your job search efforts is critical to knowing how to write a resume.

Do you want a FREE resume writing video course? How about a system that outsmarts the competition for your dream job?

Click the link to grab your FREE How to Write a Resume Crash Course - PLUS a 20 Video eCourse...

You'll also find complimentary articles and videos designed to teach you how to create a resume that gets interviews... Check it all out and claim your free stuff at:

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